A3 - Answering Aids in Africa

Saturday, March 10, 2007

God’s Word

“And the King will tell them, ‘I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!” - Matthew 25:40

Answering AIDS in Africa

Picture… The people of Cambridge Lutheran providing medical supplies and equipment to support an AIDS clinic in Africa. Medical professionals and other caring individuals traveling to Jos, Nigeria to serve as short-term missionaries. Receiving leaders of Mashiah Foundation here in our church to tell us their story.

Description… A3 (Answering AIDS in Africa) is Cambridge Lutheran Church’s opportunity to save lives in Jos, Nigeria through a special partnership with Mashiah Foundation, which was established by a Nigerian Lutheran pastor and his wife, who is an ELCA missionary.

Why…. The AIDS crisis in Africa is one of the greatest global humanitarian crises of our time. If nothing is done to stop the increased spread, 115 million will die by 2015, and will produce 35 million orphans.

Lives Are Changed… Mashiah Foundation provides an AIDS clinic which regularly serves 400 people as well as a home for widows and orphans. It organizes purity retreats for boys and girls, trains young men and women in computer skills, offers Bible studies, gives women the training to make crafts for sale. And it’s in the process of erecting a new 25 bed clinic which has been approved as a satellite of Jos University Teaching Hospital.

Connect… You can contribute to Mashiah Foundation by making out a check to Cambridge Lutheran and noting A3 on the memo line. You can consider a trip to Jos, Nigeria or help collect medical supplies. Or serve on the A3 team.

Prayer… Gracious God, with all the good things you’ve given us, may we remember the “least” in the world and not take what we have as a right, but as a blessing to be shared. Amen.

— Submitted by Pastor Jon