Day 5 - Soul Cafe'

Monday, February 26, 2007

God’s Word

“Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.” – Psalms 51:10

Lenten Nights - Soul Cafe'

Picture….Relaxed atmosphere, seating at candle lit tables and chairs, like a coffee house. Add to that the small of fresh coffee brewing, some good tunes, and messages to feed and challenge your soul.

Description… Soul Café is our Horizon Lenten worship experience. It is a time and place for us to gather in the midst of our busy weeks where we can quiet our hearts, sit back and listen for God’s voice to speak to us.

Why…. “Our capacity for spiritual experience both proves our need for something greater than ourselves and leaves us wanting when we fill it with anything but God” – Soul Cravings, by Erwin McManus

Lives Are Changed…When we open our hearts and listen for God’s voice he speaks to our innermost needs. We all come hungry for a closeness with God. We leave refreshed, renewed, redirected and reminded of His amazing grace and love for each of us. Our souls are fed.

Connect… Soul Café is open to all - 7 PM each Wednesday night during Lent. All hearts are welcome. Come and feed your soul cravings! Meeting place is the CLC Fellowship Hall.

Prayer… Dear Lord, break through the noise of our busy and chaotic lives. Quiet our hearts and cleanse us. Refresh and renew us by your Spirit and your trust. Come and be present among us so that we might be filled with your grace. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

- Submitted by Gwen Anderson