Day 4 - Loaves & Fishes
Saturday, February 24, 2007
God’s Word
“And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?" They answered, "Seven." – Mark 8:20
Urban Hunger
Picture… People line up from all walks of life for food at the River of Life Lutheran Church in North Minneapolis. They’re awaiting a meal of scalloped potatoes with hamburger, green beans, fruit salad, bread, cupcakes and milk.
Description… Loaves & Fishes feeds hungry people in urban Minneapolis. Many of these people would otherwise go without eating. This will be their main meal of the day.
Why…. At the heart of it, we’re there to serve people in need. We serve through Loaves and fishes because we’re called to feed the hungry. We’re called to do justice and love mercy.
Lives Are Changed… The body is nourished. Spirits are nourished. Servants are served through serving. People on the streets who might otherwise go hungry find hope for another day.
The people serving are changed because they are giving and connecting. The people receiving are changed by the generosity of those who serve not only food but with their lives.
Connect… How? Carpool down every other month (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) on the second Monday to north Minneapolis serve a meal. One crew leaves at 1 p.m. to prepare and another leaves at 4 p.m. to go serve and clean. Donate cupcakes and leave them at the office by noon that day.
Prayer… Lord, help us that the people whom we serve see Christ through us and our service and that the lives of those receiving grow closer to you. Amen.
— Submitted by Michael Dee
God’s Word
“And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?" They answered, "Seven." – Mark 8:20
Urban Hunger
Picture… People line up from all walks of life for food at the River of Life Lutheran Church in North Minneapolis. They’re awaiting a meal of scalloped potatoes with hamburger, green beans, fruit salad, bread, cupcakes and milk.
Description… Loaves & Fishes feeds hungry people in urban Minneapolis. Many of these people would otherwise go without eating. This will be their main meal of the day.
Why…. At the heart of it, we’re there to serve people in need. We serve through Loaves and fishes because we’re called to feed the hungry. We’re called to do justice and love mercy.
Lives Are Changed… The body is nourished. Spirits are nourished. Servants are served through serving. People on the streets who might otherwise go hungry find hope for another day.
The people serving are changed because they are giving and connecting. The people receiving are changed by the generosity of those who serve not only food but with their lives.
Connect… How? Carpool down every other month (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) on the second Monday to north Minneapolis serve a meal. One crew leaves at 1 p.m. to prepare and another leaves at 4 p.m. to go serve and clean. Donate cupcakes and leave them at the office by noon that day.
Prayer… Lord, help us that the people whom we serve see Christ through us and our service and that the lives of those receiving grow closer to you. Amen.
— Submitted by Michael Dee