Day 34 — Funerals

Saturday, March 31, 2007

God’s Word

“In my father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?” – John 14:2

Serving the Bereaved
Picture… Grieving families gather in the Archives Room. A loved one has died. Life is disrupted. Darkness or sadness seem near. The church is a beacon of light. God’s people gather to proclaim the message of light. Servants from God’s people, the church, gather to serve those who mourn with a meal and with space.

Why… We celebrate the lives of the Saints who’ve gone before. We proclaim and celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ through our funerals and memorial services for those in need.

Lives Are Changed… Into darkness, light has shined. What is the only good news that brings light in the midst of the darkness of the death of a loved one? It is the good news of Jesus Christ that all who believe in him might never perish but have eternal life.

Connect… Serve those in need through many ministries including Caring Meals for families undergoing crisis, serving food at funerals and bringing baked goods for funeral meals.

Prayer… Lord, help us to be a beacon of light ministering to those experiencing the darkness and sadness of the death of a loved one. Amen.