Day 33 — Truckload of Food

Friday, March 30, 2007

God’s Word

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…” – Matthew 25:35

Free Food

Picture… Free food is being given away to those who need it in the Cambridge area through the “Truckload of Food” ministry. The line is long. 407 family units line up at the local City Center to receive food. They hold boxes and laundry baskets and large containers. They come from many walks of life. Some are older, some younger, some with mental or physical challenges, some with many young children under foot and others need assistance carrying their boxes of food.

Description… Truckload of Food is a local ministry overseen by members of Cambridge Lutheran Church which partners with national food distribution services to provide food at no cost (or for a small amount) bulk food which might otherwise go to waste.

Why… Jesus said that we are to feed the needy among us.
Live Are Changed… The hungry are fed. The community views the church, the body of Christ, as people bringing hope and good news.

Connect… Contact Barb Nordberg or sign up on the Hospitality table to participate.

Prayer… Lord, may the hungry among us be fed. Help us to help them. Amen.