Day 17 - LOGOS
Monday, March 12, 2007
God’s Word
“They (the believers) devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” – Acts 2:42
Devoted Children
Picture… Wednesdays after school the verse from Acts comes to life as 78 energetic kids (grades 4, 5, and 6) arrive at church for Logos. The kids have great fun while they “devote themselves to the apostles’ teaching” in a Bible class, “to fellowship” in play time, “to breaking of bread” in mealtime, and “to prayer” at many times especially in the worship skills of choir, hand chimes, puppets or dance ministry. Because of the variety of things happening each time of Logos, kids experience life in the family of God.
Why… Logos’ mission is to nurture children into faith and discipleship through Christian relationships. Another way of saying it is that Logos enables children to experience God’s unconditional love and to have an opportunity to share that unconditional love with their peers and adult leaders. Can you think of anything better than that? They feel loved and share it with others. Last week one boy needed to stay inside rather than going outside for sledding, as a result two of his friends changed their plans and stayed inside also.
Kids don’t want to miss Logos. Parents say, “It is my daughter’s favorite part of her week,” and “my child was home from school sick, but late afternoon announced that she felt good enough to go to Logos.” Kids pray together and learn that Jesus is a friend that everyone needs.
Connect… The dinner tables are filling up, but there still is room. More adults are also welcome to join by playing with the kids, leading an activity, and washing dishes. Co-directors Jan Budde and Carol Bell encourage you.
Prayer… This is the closing prayer at Logos each week: Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary, true and holy, tried and true. With thanksgiving I’ll be a living sanctuary for you. Amen.
— Carol Bell