Day 18 - Evangelism 300
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
God’s Word
Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” – Matthew 4:19
Telling Stories
Picture… Have you ever shared your story of faith with someone? Some people never grew up in a church. Some people grew up in a church but have become un-churched, de-churched or even anti-church. The message is foreign to them. They may have never even heard the message. They may resist the message. People resist telling it, as well. It seems risky.
Description… Christians sometimes characterize evangelism as " beggar telling another beggar where to find bread." In 2002, through “E300,” this congregation organized to begin sharing the message of Jesus Christ throughout our community more intentionally. It was said that we should not be “Cambridge’s best kept secret.”
Evangelism is sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with all who would hear it.
Why? So that all who believe the message might not perish but might have eternal life, forever, and new life, today. We teach that the Holy Spirit creates faith and brings people to faith. The Spirit works through people like you.
Why…. We do evangelism because Jesus commanded us to do so. “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations,” Jesus said. Doing evangelism is not optional. It is commanded by Jesus.
Lives Are Changed… God’s word changes those who receive it in their heart. Hard hearts are softened. Spirits are changed. Outlooks are renewed. Hope is found. Joy is experienced. Perspectives change as people feed on the bread of life.
Connect… What is your faith story? How has God changed you? Share your story.
Prayer… Lord, help us to share the positive, life-giving, life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Open hearts through your Spirit to believe in you. Amen.