Day 8 - Women's Ministry

Thursday, March 1, 2007

God’s Word

“Then God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image to have dominion over everything on the earth.” - Genesis 1:26

Hope In Suffering

Picture… Our Lutheran women’s circles have been sharing the topic, “Hope in God in times of suffering.” Suffering is a fact of life. Everyone experiences it at some time. Where do we go when these challenges come? God is a relational God who wants to be with us in prayer, worship and our daily walk.

We are made in His image and He wants us to be in relationship with Him and with all creatures and creation. In our circles we celebrate this relationship with God and with each other.

God has entered deeply into the life of the world and is present among us in loving and caring ways. He created us to be in fellowship with Him and then to reach out to each other. In times of suffering, it is comforting to know that God cares and the Christian community cares.

Connect… Suffering can enter our lives as loneliness, anxiety, loss, pain and temptation. Sin in the world can result in suffering. Jesus suffered for us, but the ultimate outcome was victory. We have a God who is care, to comfort and to love. And he often accomplishes this through us as we live with each other in community. To join, call Helen Clarke, 689-0458.

The CELC Women’s Circles are small groups that meet each month and are a segment of the total women’s ministry of the church. Please join us for spiritual growth and fellowship. Other activities are quilting, fall and March retreats, spring luncheon, craft sales and projects for the less fortunate.

Prayer… Father, open my heart to your love and care and the support of those around me when I experience the challenges of life. Wrap your arms of love around me as I walk through life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

— Submitted by Helen Clarke