Day 3 - Festival Worship

God’s Word

“Praise the Lord!...Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with clanging cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals!” -- Psalm 150

Rich Tradition

Picture… An historic 150 year old sanctuary that has seen a lot of history, a lot of people, and heard a lot of singing is a reminder of our place in God’s story. Today we sing old and new songs, just as long-term members welcome new visitors. God’s people and God’s mission go on throughout the ages, as does his love and grace—worth giving praise for!

Description… Our Festival service draws on the rich traditions of Lutheran liturgy and worship and inspires reverence with a great mix of hymns and the beautiful sound of the organ along with our great choirs. Services follow a three-year cycle of Bible readings for each week's theme.

Why…. Jesus often described heaven as a banquet or a feast—a celebration. Worship is a celebration to which all are invited. God is to be highly praised. As Psalm 150 suggests, as many instruments and people as possible should be gathered together to praise God.

Lives Are Changed… A week spent fixating on ourselves and our short-term needs can be turned around in the presence of God by rediscovering humility, peace and joy. A trip forward for communion becomes a reminder… a foretaste that we too are Christ’s disciples, loved, forgiven and called to be witnesses and servants in the new kingdom.

Connect… Join us Sundays at 8:30am. Volunteer to serve or join a choir and share your gift of voice, or bring another musical gift to share.

Prayer… Lord, we pray that all people would come to hear your Word and praise you. Fill our hearts with expectation to see your glory in our worship and to be filled with everlasting life. Amen.

— Pastor Jon