Day 35 — Prayer Ministry

Monday, April 2, 2007

God’s Word

“Then the Lord said, “Learn a lesson from this unjust judge. Even he rendered a just decision in the end. So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night?” – Luke 18:4-7

Cry Out

Picture… Struck by a sudden need, people call the church. Please pray. Our prayer ministry is activated. People start calling one another to activate our prayer ministry. They begin praying specifically for the needs that have been named. Some are for healing. Some are for comfort and support. Some are for miracles.

The Prayers are spoken in church on Sunday morning and Wednesday evenings. The Sunday prayers are broadcast over the radio. People listening often add prayers concern they hear to their own personal prayers. People pray at home. One woman of our congregation prays thirty minutes a day.

Why… We are a people of prayer. Prayer is foundational to all that we do. We speak to God through prayer. God hears our prayers. Luther said that we should pray like a dog going after raw meat. Jesus encouraged us to prayer like the persistent widow in Luke 18. Jesus taught us how to pray – the Lord’s Prayer. May we pray not that God would bless what we are doing but that we would do what God is blessing.

Connect… Pray for the needs of people. Pray daily. Pray often. To connect into the congregational prayer chain, call Carol Ryberg or the church office.

Prayer… Lord, Help us to do what you are blessing. Hear our prayers. Amen.