Day 29 - Discipleship
Monday, March 26, 2007
God’s Word
“They devoted themselves to the Apostle’s teaching…” – Acts 2:42
“…Be conformed to the likeness of his Son…” – Romans 8:29b
Spiritual Growth
Picture… People open God’s word for edification early in the morning. Small groups meet in area homes and restaurants or rooms at the church. They bring bibles or books on spirituality or listen to a talk. They eat. They talk about their lives. They explore how to be a follower of Christ.
We were made to be like Christ.
Why…. The bible is very clear that God’s will for every person is spiritual maturity. We were made to be like Christ. We are called to make disciples and to be disciples. The Holy Spirit speaks to the believer through the Holy Scriptures of God. “Take time and trouble to keep yourself spiritually fit.” – 1 Tim. 4:7
Lives Are Changed… People grow spiritually changing their attitudes toward people, circumstances, resources and their very selves. People become like Christ. God begins a work in us, beginning with wherever we may be spiritually, moving us toward Christ-likeness.
How… Join an existing gathering in our church focused on spiritual growth. Or, gather a new group of people with the purpose of growing in Christ to become disciples who resemble.
Prayer…Lord, help me to grow spiritually. You know my heart, my weaknesses and my needs. Do a work in me. Amen.