Day 14 - Interfaith Hospitality Network
Thursday, March 89, 2007
God’s Word
“Then the Righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in…The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:37-40
God’s House
God’s House
Picture… Homeless families experiencing the presence of God by receiving a hot meal, a warm place to sleep, and the kindness of strangers.
They are welcome and treated as guests in our home, God’s house of worship.
Description… IHN brings shelter, meals and support services to families without homes.
CELC is one of several churches in Isanti County that hosts the families by providing lodging, meals and welcoming care. Guests use a local day center during the day where a social worker provides case management services.
Why… Jesus calls us to look beyond ourselves and to minister to those less fortunate. We serve through IFH because it gives us a chance to bring a little bit of Heaven to earth.
Lives are Changed… Those in need are served and those who serve are doing as Jesus calls us to do.
How… Volunteers are needed to set up and take down the sleeping area , prepare evening meals, interact with guests during the evening hours, and to spend the night at the church in the event the guests need something during the overnight hours.
Prayer…Lord, help us to do your work so that those we are serving can see you and feel your presence and take comfort in knowing that you love and care for each one of them.
— Submitted by Carrie Doom
They are welcome and treated as guests in our home, God’s house of worship.
Description… IHN brings shelter, meals and support services to families without homes.
CELC is one of several churches in Isanti County that hosts the families by providing lodging, meals and welcoming care. Guests use a local day center during the day where a social worker provides case management services.
Why… Jesus calls us to look beyond ourselves and to minister to those less fortunate. We serve through IFH because it gives us a chance to bring a little bit of Heaven to earth.
Lives are Changed… Those in need are served and those who serve are doing as Jesus calls us to do.
How… Volunteers are needed to set up and take down the sleeping area , prepare evening meals, interact with guests during the evening hours, and to spend the night at the church in the event the guests need something during the overnight hours.
Prayer…Lord, help us to do your work so that those we are serving can see you and feel your presence and take comfort in knowing that you love and care for each one of them.
— Submitted by Carrie Doom