Day 31 — Horizon
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
God’s Word
“Come to me all you who are weary and heavy-burdened and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28
“The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” – Mark 2:27
Come to Me
Picture… People wander into a new worship setting. Contemporary music is playing. The dress code is “come as you are.” The band is up front preparing worship in a style similar to what the worshipers listen to on their radios. Community is fostered through a cup of coffee and a bite or two of food. So often, whenever we see Jesus in scripture, we see people eating and praying together, coming “as they are” to Jesus to hear his message.
People are welcome no matter where they may be spiritually. The service is geared toward being “sensitive” to the person who may not be “already convinced” of the truth of Christianity. At Horizon, the message is intended to help people develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ relevant to their life.
Why… Many people have not connected with traditional approaches to worship. Horizon provides an alternative setting to explore the teachings of Jesus Christ for people without a church home.
Lives Are Changed… Adults are baptized – a rarity in Lutheran Churches. People who weren’t worshiping anywhere start worshiping. God’s grace is declared and received in the heart. The Holy Spirit meets people at their chairs. People previously alienated by God’s people, the church, reconnect. People receive faith through the Spirit.
Connect… Attend any of the Horizon worship services, Sundays at 9:00 & 10:15 in the Fellowship Hall.
Prayer… Lord, use our church to reach new people in your name as you have commanded us to do. Amen.