Day 7 - Families @ Festival

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

God’s Word

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” -- Matthew 19:14

Children in Worship

Picture… Our historic 150 year old sanctuary is filled with young families, and a group of children comes forward for a kids’ message where they provide insightful and humorous comments that adults could only hope to think up themselves.

Description… Families@Festival draws on the rich traditions of worship and music and features a bright and lively sound where the piano is featured prominently. There’s a less formal feeling. Children attend for the first 20 minutes before going to Splash! Or even better, attend the whole service.

Why… Passing on the value of worship to our children is a high priority. We want multiple entry points for families to worship throughout the church. Many families appreciate traditional worship and want a place they can call home.

Lives Are Changed… A child dances to a song and sings along next to his mother. The love of singing and worship extends to a new generation. Kids’ messages inspire kids and adults alike and send a message of welcome for the children in our community.

Connect… Join us Sundays at 10:05. If you play guitar or another instrument, consider sharing it to make our worship burst with song and energy. Bring your children and grandchildren.

Prayer… Lord, we pray that all people, including children, would find joy and inspiration in your presence and would come to participate in worship. May we continue to be a welcoming presence to all people. Amen.

— Submitted by Pastor Jon